
Swopper Classic Motion Chair - Black Seat / Anthracite Spring


Brand: Aeris

Color: Black


  • Good Circulation. Good Mood. Sitting on the swopper chairmakes you straighten the upper part of your body, which frees the diaphragm, helping you breathe deeper and stimulate circulation.
  • It is easy to maintain balance and control on your swopper! By balancing on the spring of the swopper or 3Dee chair, your body will always being slightly in motion.
  • Your entire body is slightly in motion all the time on the swopper, so practically all muscle groups remain active and well supplied with blood.
  • oving your joints, even when sitting, stimulates the formation of synovia (joint fluid). This prevents arthritis and tightens the ligaments and tendons. In this way you can avert joint diseases.

Details: An evolutionary seating platform that allows you to access motion in all directions while you sit. German innovation in technology and design has created the unique Swopper Classic seating platform. It introduces the critical missing ingredient of motion into the seated task. Swopper Classic introduces a whole range of natural, fluid and intuitive motion including tilting, swaying and bouncing. Swopper Classic is adaptable for people of different height and weight, tasks and desk/table heights.

EAN: 4250200488207