Office Electronics

Replacement Lamp, NP1000/2000


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Brand: NEC


  • Lamp Life: 2000 Hour Standard
  • Lamp Power: 300 W

Hardware Platform: PC

Legal Disclaimer: ****Since items are brand new and we report the enduser customer to company, In most cases, we are not able to accept returns unless a technical issue occurs. In that rare case the company deducts only 25% of total price. Please read specifications thoroughly and be aware of all terms and conditions. Better to Email before Placing order.****

Manufacturer Parts Warranty Description: 90 day

Platform: Windows

Details: Product Name: Replacement LampProduct Type: 300 W Projector LampLamp Life: 2000 Hour Standard 3000 Hour Economy Mode

UPC: 887657724271

EAN: 5028695604933

Languages: English

Collections: Office Electronics

Category: Feed11, NEC, United States

Type: Office Electronics

Vendor: NEC